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Saltbox Install Types

Saltbox consists of a "Core" with various extra components added onto that core. At a minimum, you need to install "core" to do anything further with the Saltbox infrastructure.

core saltbox1 mediabox1 feederbox1
System Tweaks Yes Yes Yes Yes
Saltbox MOTD Yes Yes Yes Yes
Common Tools and Tasks Yes Yes Yes Yes
Docker Yes Yes Yes Yes
Rclone Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mounts: MergerFS Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mounts: Rclone VFS Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scripts Yes Yes Yes Yes
Traefik (Docker) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Authelia (Docker) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Plex (Docker) Yes2 Yes2
Tautulli (Docker) Yes Yes
Overseerr (Docker) Yes Yes
Autoscan (Media Scanner Helper Script) Yes Yes
Portainer (Docker) Yes Yes
Organizr (Docker) Yes Yes
Cloudplow (Media Uploader) Yes Yes
SABnzbd (Docker) Yes3 Yes3
Qbittorrent (Docker) Yes3 Yes3
Jackett (Docker) Yes3 Yes3
NZBHydra 2 (Docker) Yes3 Yes3
Sonarr (Docker) Yes Yes
Radarr (Docker) Yes Yes
Lidarr (Docker) Yes Yes

As with any Ansible tags provided by saltbox, it is safe to run these install tag[s] at will. Existing configurations are not overwritten [except for some "reset" tags and the "mounts" tag].

Feederbox/Mediabox Setup Considerations

  • If your servers will share a domain, it is preferred to run only one instance of Authelia. This can run either on the Feederbox or Mediabox as you may choose. The server that will host Authelia should be set as master: yes under authelia: in settings.yml - see here.

  • On the server hosting Authelia, it is advised to set the traefik_trusted_ips variable in your Inventories file following the format below. This is for a Mediabox hosting Authelia. If the Feederbox will be hosting, the Mediabox IP would be substituted.

traefik_trusted_ips: "feederboxIPV4/32,feederboxIPV6/64"

Next, let's move on to Installing Saltbox.

  1. Note that the default apps installed by each top-level tag can be overridden with other Saltbox roles [NOT SANDBOX] in the inventory. If the roles do not exist in Saltbox the install will fail.

    The relevant variables and their default values are:

    saltbox_roles: ["media_server", "download_clients", "download_indexers", "tautulli", "overseerr", "portainer", "organizr", "sonarr", "radarr", "lidarr", "iperf3", "nethogs", "glances", "btop"]
    mediabox_roles: ["media_server", "tautulli", "overseerr", "iperf3", "nethogs", "glances", "btop"]
    feederbox_roles: ["download_clients", "download_indexers", "portainer", "organizr", "sonarr", "radarr", "lidarr", "iperf3", "nethogs", "glances", "btop"]

  2. Note that the default media server[s] can be overridden with other Saltbox roles [NOT SANDBOX] in the inventory. If the roles do not exist in Saltbox the install will fail.

    The relevant variables and their default values are:

    media_servers_enabled: ["plex"]

  3. Note that these default download clients and indexers can be overridden with other Saltbox roles [NOT SANDBOX] in the inventory. If the roles do not exist in Saltbox the install will fail.

    The relevant variables and their default values are:

    download_clients_enabled: ["qbittorrent", "sabnzbd"]
    download_indexers_enabled: ["jackett", "nzbhydra2"]

Authors: owine